good for the body, mind and soul….
Sheila Paton Qualified Fusion Therapeutic Coach
Book your sessions from the following:
- Alpaca therapy
- Anger management
- Assertiveness
- Anxiety, stress and coping skills
- Beat depression
- Challenge negativity
- Communication skills
- Confidence boosters + self esteem
- Crisis recovery/managing suicidal thoughts
- Emotional regulation
- Food + mood
- Goal setting + daily routine
- Guided visualisation/meditation
- Low mood
- Managing grief + loss
- Managing panic attacks
- Motivation + goal setting
- Positive thinking
- Relaxation including mindfulness + breathing techniques
- Self esteem + self image
- Sleep hygiene
- Support networks
- Understanding emotions
- Worry
Sessions are a minimum of 1 hour in length and can be custom made to suit your individual needs.
Sessions are all £50 per hour and must be booked and payment received prior to the session taking place please.
You can book your 1-1 session with Sheila and have a choice of a phone appointment, a face to face appointment at Wood End or you can even have some ‘alpaca therapy’ and have your appointment whilst going for a walk with the alpacas!
To find out more or to book an appointment please phone Sheila on 07964796948 or email me on
Sheila has a Degree in Business Studies, a Diploma in Marketing, a Post Graduate Certificate in Education and a Diploma in Therapeutic Coaching. She also has a qualification in and experience of working in agriculture.
Sheila has worked in education for over 20 years. This has been in both Higher and Further education establishments and the community having designed written and delivered her own courses including Confidence Building, Self Esteem, Managing your Emotions and numerous others. Sheila has offered support and guidance to a broad diversity of groups and individuals many who have had multiple issues to overcome which invariably have affected their mental health.
Job Centre Plus, Training West Lancashire, Gingerbread (a lone parent organization), The Women’s Centre, Open Door, Grass Roots and working as a Crisis Recovery Worker are some of the companies that Sheila has either worked with or for.
Sheila is extremely excited to be involved with this new family venture. Having gained lots of experience of working in a voluntary capacity to secure funding to refurbish our local village hall she is now putting that experience to good use in forming a CIC (Community Interest Company) – Wood End Health, Wellbeing & Education.
Our small team is providing a unique opportunity for anyone who would like to experience the beautiful countryside at Wood End Farm, take a walk with the alpacas, have a beauty treatment, learn something new or access a professional and confidential session with Sheila to help you with your mental health or other area of your life that you would like advice and guidance with.
Fusion Therapy Diploma (pdf)